Tuesday, January 27, 2009


ok so it's no secret that the economy is in the crapper and we're on the bullet train to the next depression (or somewhat depression). layoff rumors have been swirling around my company like you wouldn't believe. yes, it's scary. no, i don't want to be laid off. i like having a job, thank you very much. just as much as the next person. but, somehow, i can't help but think there's a reason for all of this. i believe in God, that's no secret, and so i can't help but believe this is all meant to be and there's a lesson to be learned. perhaps we've all been too greedy. that's the easiest reason i can come up with.

but what if it's more than that?

how many people are stuck in an endless job that they loathe with the fire of a thousand suns? how many people feel sick to their stomachs just thinking about going to work each day? how many people are wasting their God-given talents on a meaningless job? maybe, just maybe, God is wanting us to explore our talents, explore what we want to do in life so that we can be happy. God doesn't want people to suffer. He wants people to be happy.

could you handle that?

being happy?

is that something that you would be able to deal with? honestly. how many people would be okay with being happy? would you be happy living within your means, doing something you love? maybe not spending so lavishly, buying that Escalade you've always wanted, living in a huge house. but doing what you love, having people in your life that do what they love and are happy, having a healthy and happy family? could you handle that?

i know i could.

this "layoff season" has taught me a lot about life and about happiness. sure, i haven't been laid off yet (knock on wood), so maybe i have yet to really know. but i've learned i'm not happy with the place i spend most of my day. it doesn't make me happy. i'm not using the gifts God gave me. i'm a fairly creative person and enjoy doing creative things (knitting, jewelry making, designing stuff). i can't help but think that i can do so much more with my life, so much more that would make me happy. and maybe a layoff (or threat of a layoff) is the only way for me to realize my full potential.

my challenge to you.

so during this time of trauma and doom and gloom, try to see things differently. change your perspective. what can you learn from this? are you doing what you love? if not, maybe now is the time to change things. change your life. make yourself happy. you only have one life to live. make the most of it.

1 comment:

melississippi said...

i think i see some of your point here . . . i was secretly wishing i could be laid off so i could enjoy my life more! but that's not going to happen and i can't in my right mind quit when i'm so in debt!