Monday, July 26, 2010

my new addiction

it's no secret that i tend to jump on the bandwagon a little late.  okay, more than a little late.  i jump on when everyone else is jumping off.  i'm just that cool.  seriously.  however, this time, i think i jumped on at a great time!  i have a new (healthy) obsession.  and it's yoga.

yes, i know.  i'm aware that i'm a little late on the yoga bandwagon.  i'm not the first person, nor the last, to sing it's yogi praises.  if you haven't taken a yoga class or completed a yoga video, you are missing. out. big time.

i've recently started taking yoga on my lunch breaks at my local gym. it's an amazing break in my day. first, it gets my daily workout in midday, which i adore! and it gets me out of the office for an hour, which i adore even more!  but lets talk about the physical reward for a moment, shall we? i've never experienced an exercise that tones so quickly! 3 classes into my yoga practice and i feel stronger and more flexible and leaner than ever before. and i definitely notice a difference in the mirror!  hello lean arms! goodbye extra-wavey-back-of-the-arms-thing.

not only do i feel even more in shape, but my mind has never been so clear.  maybe it's the hour of meditation and dedication, maybe it's the speech of unity and loving one another at the end, maybe i'm just a hippie... since i've been practicing yoga, i feel more in-tune with my own body, my own emotions, and everyone i encounter.  i find i have a little more patience after each yoga practice.  i find i have a little more tolerance after each yoga practice.  and a lot more respect.  respect for my mind, body, and others.  it's a total cleansing experience.  slowly, it's creeping into other aspects of my life.  and i am embracing it whole-heartedly!

happy yoga-ing! Namaste.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

you know you're getting older when...

i'm feeling listy again.  so here's another for ya. feel free to add some in the comments!

top ten things that make me feel old

  1. wearing earplugs to a concert/show.
  2. going to a show and standing in the back because i want to hear the music and not be pushed around by the testosterone-fueled adolescents.
  3. feeling excited about my veggies and herbs growing. "its exciting watching them grow!"
  4. going to bed at 10pm... on a friday.
  5. being irritated by loud bass coming out of the young punk's car next to me
  6. saying things like "young punk"
  7. saying things like "kids these days have no respect or sense of responsibility!"
  8. seeing on facebook that all my old high school lady-friends are now preggers. at the same time.
  9. seeing those preggers friends on facebook and thinking "good for them!" instead of "she's way too young for a baby!"
  10. hearing my coworker, who is the same age as my younger sister, using acronyms that i have no idea what they mean. in every other sentence. fml.

INSANE hip hop choreography

i'm addicted to SYTYCD (so you think you can dance).  it's one of my favorite shows out there. and this hip hop piece is the reason i watch the show. alex is a trained ballet dancer, NOT a hip hop dancer.  twitch is a hip hop dancer. a very very very talented hip hop dancer. watch what ensues below. it's incredible!