Monday, February 2, 2009

they're back...

it's true, they're back. the what? the effing flies!!! for those of you who don't know, there is a constant battle with me and the flies that end up on the floor i work on. no one seems to know how these disgusting beings get inside, and no one really has any interest in getting rid of them apparently. i've been told something about the moisture collecting on the underhang of the top of the building the breeds them, but quite frankly, i don't care why they're here and disturbing my work day, i just want them gone.

normally, these ugly, disgusting, filthy creatures only surface in the spring and fall. however, since it reached 46 degrees over the weekend, these devils with wings apparently thought it was time to come out and play. game over, flies. it's not happening. it's still winter, for goodness sake! go back and nest awhile. while you're at it, go somewhere else.

and it's not just a fly or 2 a week. no no, my friends, that would be way better than what i have to deal with. there are normally about 2-3 flies per day that get stuck between the blind and the window at my lovely cube-office. and they aren't little. these are unnaturally large and disgusting flies. when they do get out, they usually fly terribly slow, plop on a piece of paper next to me and die. and scare the shit out of me in the process. i normally come in to about 2 or 3 dead flies on my desk in the morning. and i just pray that i can see them, because most of the time, they end up in my stapler, or right where i grab to open a filing cabinet.

then there are the flies that refuse to die. i usually find these fat bastards lying on the carpet, twitching and moving around, trying to salvage whatever second is left in it's hopeless, disgusting life. i generally let them lay there because who wants to ruin their shoes with that? call me heartless, that's fine. but you try working with these disgusting things on a daily basis. you'll get to the point i'm at in about 2 minutes. trust me.

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