Monday, December 14, 2009

snow tires!

i adore living in the great state of minnesota. i honestly do. so much to do, so many places to go, and pretty pretty snow! the only thing i hated about snow is driving in it. perhaps it's because my lil' civic couldn't handle the slippery road conditions, causing white knuckles and migraines. sure sliding around corners is fun when no cars are present. in fact, i'll admit, i secretly would make my car slide around corners for the fun of it! however, i don't enjoy the sliding around corners when other cars are present. or, oh, i don't know, trying my hardest to get up a slightly snowy hill to find my tires just spinning spinning spinning, until 10 minutes later, i'm finally up that small hill with a long line of traffic behind me, cursing at me, and God knows what other sorts of gestures!

for the past couple winters, my husband and i have talked about buying snow tires. "they'll make such a big difference!" he says. yea right. i was skeptical. extremely skeptical. my solution was to sell the lil' black beauty and get a big SUV with 4-wheel drive. unfortunately, the budget says no go on the new car. so finally this winter, we ordered the snow tires.

i drove with them for the first time today. oh. my. God. i have been missing out! what a huge difference! still a little slidey at parts, but not nearly as bad as it had been! in fact, driving in snow is no longer a terrifying experience for me! sure the commute this morning was long and slow, but i didn't have to worry about spinning out or not being able to make it up that hill or sliding around a corner into the cars stopped ahead!

my advice to those in snowy climates: SNOW TIRES!

1 comment:

Brandon said...

doubter...sheesh. if the canadians believe in them, so should you (since you live in south central canada).