Friday, April 17, 2009


it's been awhile since i've posted. with starting a new job that keeps me crazy busy, and planning the wedding that's less than 30 days away, i haven't had time to post. however, something has made me feel the need to blog today. Twitter. yes, i tweet. i have for some time now and have grown quite fond of it. it's an incredibly fun tool to meet people and be nosey about what other people are doing.

apparently, today marks the end of Twitter being an obscure social networking site. at least that's the case if you ask the thousands upon thousands of tweeters devastated by the fact the Oprah has now started tweeting. "oh no!" they cry, "now Twitter is mainstream!" gasp! shock, horror, awe! oh no! what are we going to do? quick, everyone STOP USING TWITTER, its gone mainstream today, and only starting today because Oprah started tweeting.

of course i'm being entirely sarcastic (which i hope you are as fluent in as i).

i love punk rock. i love seeing little bands make their way up into big bands. honestly, i just love watching amazing musicians be able to keep making their amazing music and make tons of money because of their talents. what does this have to do with twitter, you ask? follow along friends. when little bands make it to big bands, people start calling them "sell outs" and those that are new followers are now posers (do people still use that term?). ok, so maybe some bands deserve to be called sell outs and some fans deserve to be called posers. but that's not the majority. anywho, so these bands that are now successful, or mainstream, lose their coolness to the original followers. i see the same thing begining with twitter.

it's all over the news that Oprah has started tweeting. it's all a-twitter that Oprah is now tweeting. people are complaining, in masses, about how twitter is now mainstream because Oprah has joined.

let me ask you this, complainers, why is it that Oprah marks the start of Mainstream Twitter? it didn't go mainstream a year or so ago when it started gaining in popularity so much that celebrities such as Ashton Kutcher, Brittany Spears, and Demi Moore started tweeting? Didn't it go mainstream a year or so ago when the President hopefuls started tweeting? Didn't it go mainstream when social media gurus started "branding" themselves on twitter? why now do you freak out because, oh no, Oprah has started tweeting? does it really make the application any less fun?

last time i checked, cool kids, YOU chose who you follow. YOU choose who's tweets you see. if you don't want to see what Oprah tweets, don't follow her! if you don't want to see the mainstream, don't follow the mainstream tweets! is it really that difficult?

Ok, I'm done ranting now. Carry on. Posers. Or should I say, twosers?

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