Monday, November 1, 2010


Time for a rant... it's been awhile, but I think it's time.  So here we go.  Don't judge me, Monkey.

I used to love Halloween.  I loved picking a costume, going trick o' treating, eating too much sugar until my tummy hurt.  Then, after high school I loved Halloween for being able to wear the skimpiest outfit I can find and say "why yes, I AM a sexy corpse. How did you guess?"  Everything Halloween turned into an opportunity to wear practically nothing and get away with it.  Sexy ninja?  Why yes!  Sexy lunch lady? Cha-ching!  Britney Spears? Bingo!

And then something happened.  Halloween finally got old.  No, scratch that.  Not Halloween.  Skimpy costumes got old.  Maybe I gained some self-respect.  Maybe it was modesty.  Or maybe I finally realized that the best costumes are NOT the skimpiest ones.  In fact, the best costumes are usually the least skimpy.  They're the most creative.  The ones where I go "aw man! I wish I had thought of that!!"

My hubs and I were watching a band play at a bar on Friday night.  Of course, all of the middle-aged ladies were there in their skimpy costumes acting like girls in their late teens and early 20's.  Now, I know that age is just a number (or whatever), but at what point do you look in the mirror and say "wow, I am really trying way too hard to relive the glory days.  Stretch marks and cellulite just do not look good as a naughty dentist."  How do you let your friends go out of the house like that?  "Oh yes Sally!  I think you look great!  But I have had a least 2 jello shots, so my judgment may be skewed."

C'mon ladies!!  Have some self respect!  Time to act your age.  Show some creativity.  Instead of going with sexy Freddy Krueger, maybe opt for something more creative.  As a very wise person said (one of my hubby's super funny cousins) "Halloween is about being horrified, not whorified."  Ladies, make this your mantra.

1 comment:

melississippi said...

"Halloween is about being horrified, not whorified" that is a quote for the ages, I love Halloween too, but not the skimpy costumes!